The house GERLITZENZEIT is located at approx. 1,700m on the Gerlitzen and offers you 2 newly renovated apartments with an amazing view of the Ossiachersee, Faakersee and Wörthersee and the surrounding mountains. The apartments are ideal in winter and in summer for families who like to exercise in nature but who are also looking for absolute peace. The spacious 85-100 m² apartments with balcony or terrace are suitable for 2-5 people. The apartments have separate entrances, but can still be optimally used for larger families or groups, as the apartments are located on the ground or first floor. In winter the house cannot be reached directly by car but you will be brought there by a skimobil. adventure Card for guests
Volné pokoje: Gerlitzenzeit
Vybavení: Gerlitzenzeit
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